From Integration to Marginalization

Representation of The Chinese in History Textbooks in Indonesia


  • Hendra Kurniawan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Universitas Sanata Dharma
  • Nana Supriatna Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Agus Mulyana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Leli Yulifar Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia




This study analyzes changes in the representation of the Chinese Indonesian or Tionghoa in history textbooks in Indonesia. There are two history textbooks under study, each published during the Guided Democracy and New Order periods. The focus of this study is on the topic of the Chinese people’s resistance to colonialism. A qualitative approach is used in this study with the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) method. The results show that there has been a change in the discourse of the representation of the Chinese Indonesian in history textbooks. During the Guided Democracy period, the Chinese were represented by a discourse of integration as part of the Indonesian nation which participated in the resistance against colonialism. During the New Order era, there was a change in political direction which encouraged assimilation with discriminatory practices against the Chinese. Prejudice and stereotypes against Chinese Indonesian people in Indonesia are strengthening. They were marginalized and removed from history textbooks. This research contributes to inclusive history education through the writing of history textbooks and their lessons which represent the Chinese Indonesian as part of diversity for national integration.


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How to Cite

Kurniawan, H., Supriatna, N., Mulyana, A., & Yulifar, L. (2023). From Integration to Marginalization: Representation of The Chinese in History Textbooks in Indonesia. Social and Education History, 12(2).


