Digital inclusion of businesswomen and women entrepreneurs through social networks in the informal environment





With the diffusion of Web 2.0, opportunities for collaboration, participation and training in the professional environment have widened. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of family set-up on the use of social networks by entrepreneurial women and businesswomen.
Epistemologically, the study is based on the logical positivism and the hypothetical-deductive method. From a methodological point of view, this research is quantitative and presents a descriptive design.
The participants in the study are woman from Extremadura and Andalucia (Spain), 477 entrepreneurs and 126 businesswomen.
The forms of use of social networks by businesswomen and women entrepreneurs varies according to age-group. However, the age does not appear to have any impact on the places where social networks are used.
The results lead us to believe that, in order to attain equality in the domain of digital inclusion, it is necessary to set up formal digital training to increase their digital presence and participation.


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Author Biographies

Prudencia Gutiérrez-Esteban, University of Extremadura

University Senior Lecturer, PhD in Education. Her research work and scientific production is characterized by contributions to the field of Gender and Education and ICT and Teacher Training, through the publication of scientific papers in indexed national and international journals and books and the participation in several research projects in national and European competitive public calls. It has a Teaching Period Recognized by ANECA (2008-2012), according to the subjects taught in Degree, Master and Doctorate in the area of Educational Technology, Teaching Methods and School Organization. In addition, she has coordinated teaching innovation projects in Higher Education funded by competitive public calls and coordinated and taught postgraduate and university teacher training courses.

Francisco de Paula Rodríguez-Miranda, University of Huelva.

Francisco P. Rodríguez-Miranda is Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Huelva in Spain. His research interests are in the field of ICT leadership roles in schools, educational innovation, teacher training and integrated curriculum. He teaches “Educational Innovation”, "Curriculum" and “Educational Leadership” at the bachelors and masters of Educational Sciences. Is methodologically experienced in mixed method research.

Sixto Cubo-Delgado, University of Extremadura

Senior Lecturer in the Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education Knowledge Area of Educational Sciences Department at University of Extremadura (Spain).
He has held several positions of responsibility in academic management, among them Director of Educational Sciences Department and Director of Secretariat of New Technologies and Virtual Resources. He is currently Coordinator of the Education PhD Programme in Education at the University of Extremadura

María Lourdes Hernández-Rincón, University of Extremadura

Postgraduate Teaching Assistant in the Didactics and School Organization Area (Educational Sciences Department) at the University of Extremadura (Spain). She teaches in both Primary and Infant Education University Degrees and her research work concerns ICT in pre-service teachers’ education.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Esteban, P., Rodríguez-Miranda, F. de P., Cubo-Delgado, S., & Hernández-Rincón, M. L. (2021). Digital inclusion of businesswomen and women entrepreneurs through social networks in the informal environment. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 10(3).


