Persuasions, Resistance and Other Discourse Virtuosities


  • Kristiina Brunila University of Helsinki Faculty of Behavioural Sciences Centre for Sociology of Education PL 9 00014 University of Helsinki




This article concerns the discursive power relations that have led to equality work in Finland. In addition to marketisation, publicly-funded projects, especially those funded by the European Union, have permeated the public sector. Equality has been labelled women’s work and something that women do and the continuity of equality work requires a complex form of competence. In this article, ways have been looked to analyse the current situation by conducting an analysis that will enable to see not only the discursive power relations that shape gender equality work but also how it has been possible that gender equality work has succeeded in remaining continuous. Persistence of problems concerning equality as well as co-operation between women and the ‘discourse virtuosity’ of equality work have opened up opportunities for continuity but not without problems.


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How to Cite

Brunila, K. (2013). Persuasions, Resistance and Other Discourse Virtuosities. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 2(1), 81–102.


