Gender stereotypes in Spanish phraseology





In this paper the results of research on gender stereotypes underlying Spanish phraseology are presented. Its main aim is to reveal which gender stereotypes are explicitly or implicitly present in commonly used contemporary Spanish Phraseological Units (PUs). In order to achieve this goal, all PUs associated with men and women documented in the most complete dictionary of current Spanish phraseology (Diccionario fraseológico documentado del español actual: locuciones y modismos españoles) have been analysed. In order to systematize the analysis, an inventory of stereotypes has been collected and split into five main thematic categories: physical characteristics; attitude, personality and abilities; sexuality; family; activities and professions. Moreover, a sixth, transversal category has been added – the opposite male and female conceptualisations of the passing of time.


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Author Biography

Enrique Gutiérrez Rubio, University Palacký Olomouc

Associate Professor, Department of Romance Languages, Faculty of Arts



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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Rubio, E. (2018). Gender stereotypes in Spanish phraseology. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 7(3), 1709–1735.


