"I Find that What I Do Is at Total Odds..." Holistic Wellness in a Woman Leader Working in a Male- dominated Engineering Profession


  • Claude Helene Mayer Rhodes University, South Africa





To explore holistic wellness in depth, single, longitudinal case studies are needed. This article explores the holistic wellness of a woman leader in the male-dominated profession of Engineering, based on the holistic wellness model (HWM). The article focuses on the question of how holistic wellness is constructed by this outstanding individual working in the challenging Australian Engineering field.

The study is grounded in Dilthey's modern hermeneutics and applies a single case study design using an in-depth interview, conversations on a regular basis and observation over a period of 18 months.

Findings show that the woman leader, working in the male-dominated global Australian global Engineering profession, builds and bases her holistic wellness on life tasks (work and leisure, self-direction, spirituality, friendship and love) and life forces (family, religion, community and business and industry) which are part of the holistic wellness model. Life tasks and life forces support her as she tackles challenges in life, and provide her with the coping mechanisms she needs as a woman leader in Engineering.


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How to Cite

Mayer, C. H. (2016). "I Find that What I Do Is at Total Odds." Holistic Wellness in a Woman Leader Working in a Male- dominated Engineering Profession. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 5(3), 1098–1125. https://doi.org/10.17583/generos.2016.1806


