Gender: Biological Determinist Manifesto


  • Yusuke Kaneko The University of Tokyo




The aim of this paper is newly founding a standpoint called “biological determinism,” which Geddes & Thompson already suggested around the times of Darwin. We put it forth as an antithesis to current debates on gender. The current debates on gender are mostly part of the humanities. They have heated up debates, putting scientific viewpoints aside. But it is not desirable. So against that, we introduce the scientific viewpoints, arranging a timeline first (§§4-9). This chronology itself could be a breaking point of the humanities. With thick piled theories in science, their conventional debates would be reviewed critically.


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Author Biography

Yusuke Kaneko, The University of Tokyo

Researcher, The University of Tokyo

Part time Lecturer, Meiji University


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How to Cite

Kaneko, Y. (2016). Gender: Biological Determinist Manifesto. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 5(2), 1039–1067.


