Founding a Family in Times of Economic Uncertainty: A Comparison France Germany


  • Marie-Thérèse Letablier Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne
  • Anne Salles Université Paris 4 - Sorbonne




If founding a family is generally considered within the natural order of things, the factors which have an influence on the personal decision are rather unknown. This article questions the possible effects of the economic uncertainty among young people upon the decision of having a child in France and in West Germany, two countries contrasting both from the point of view of fertility as well as in regards to the transitions towards adult age. The sociodemographic approach developped here is founded on a series of qalitative interviews conducted under similar conditions in both countries. The analysis shows that the perception of economic insecurity takes forms that change according to the institutional context and especially acording to the gender conventions dominating in each country. This gender conventions lead us towards the social norms regarding parental roles, to the place of maternity and of paternity within the identity constructions both masculine and feminine, and to the social norms regarding children's care and education. From this it is derived that the way the social risk associated to the arrival of a child is experienced is higher is Germany than in France due to the value attached to the children and particularly to the cost implied by the model of "intensive maternity" that prevails inWest Germany.


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How to Cite

Letablier, M.-T., & Salles, A. (2012). Founding a Family in Times of Economic Uncertainty: A Comparison France Germany. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 1(2), 119–155.


