Developing and Strengthening the Role of Institutions in Preventing and Addressing Sexual Violence in Higher Education
This study seeks to analyze or show how the formation and strengthening of an institutional-related task force on the prevention and handling (ToPH) of sexual violence in higher education in Indonesia can be helpful. The example focuses on ToPH, which was developed in accordance with Indonesia's Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MoECRT) Regulation No. 30, 2021, and how it has been implemented. It also makes some suggestions for how it could be improved. In three public universities in the western and eastern parts of Indonesia, interviews were performed as part of this qualitative study. The study's findings are presented as suggestions for a map of institutions for the handling and prevention of sexual violence on campuses (ToPH). The study also demonstrates that ToPH requires additional assistance from all parties involved in order to develop its roles and functions and help it carry out its duties. To make these responsibilities and functions a reality, several elements are required. These include a policy that governs institutions, the duties and responsibilities of institutions, improving human resource capacity within institutions, programs of activities, finance, information systems, and a monetary and evaluation system.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Winarni Soenarto-Putri, Nurdiana Nurdiana, Mike J. Rolobessy; Grace Jenny Soputan, Wiwik Puji Mulyani; Murti Pramuwardhani-Dewi; Ambar Teguh Sulistiyani, Sisparyadi Sisparyadi; Suwarjiyanto Suwarjiyanto

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