The Advent of the disorder. The Dismantlement of the Alliance between Patriarchy and Minimal Geometry Contained in the Work of Bourgeois, Hesse and Mendieta


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The contributions that are examined in this article can fit into the critique to philosophical and artistic Modernity of the late 20th century.  Bourgeois, Hesse and Mendieta do so from very specific coordinates and a shared goal. These artists show a particular opposition to the modern patriarchal society through the disorder, the infringement and the femininity. The aim of this text is to provide a paradigmatic example of the critique of modernity from these terms, based on a proposal of analysis of their methodologies putting them in relation to several concepts coming from philosophy. The authors who we are going to articulate their work are, among others, Foucault, Cortés, or Derrida, with the notion of deconstruction. This last link is based on the analysis the author proposes in his work La verdad en pintura. The advent of the disorder implies a destabilizing of the order imposed. 


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Biografía del autor/a

Montserrat Ras Mallorqui, Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad de Barcelona. España.

Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad de Barcelona. Profesor asociado en Máster de Formación de Profesorado. Departamento Dibujo.


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Cómo citar

Ras Mallorqui, M. (2017). The Advent of the disorder. The Dismantlement of the Alliance between Patriarchy and Minimal Geometry Contained in the Work of Bourgeois, Hesse and Mendieta. Barcelona Investigación Arte Creación, 5(2), 203–225.


