Families Involvement in Physical Education





The International Scientific Community identifies the involvement of families in school as a Successful Educational Actions, whose strict implementation leads to the improvement in the academic achievement as well as in the coexistence in the educational context. The aim of this investigation, conducted under the approach of the critical communicative methodology, is to prove how the involvement of the families in education and assessment in the area of Physical Education within the framework of the pedagogical model "Individual Challenges with Shared Responsibility" means an enhancement in all students and their context. The outcomes show an improvement in the academic performance and in the environmental education of students, including those with the greatest barriers. Likewise, this study brings to light the transfer of learning to other contexts and the transformation of the school-family relationship. Besides, it provides evidence on the benefits that it brings to the families that have participated. This study opens up new lines of research into the overcoming of the limitations detected and the improvement of the educational, family and even community contexts.


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Author Biographies

José Manuel Castanedo, Universidad de Barcelona

Facultad de Educación - Phd student

Marta Capllonch, Universidad de Barcelona

Facultad de Educación - Profesora titular


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How to Cite

Castanedo, J. M., & Capllonch, M. (2018). Families Involvement in Physical Education. Qualitative Research in Education, 7(3), 304–334. https://doi.org/10.17583/qre.2018.3603


