The Students Portfolio as an Alternative Strategy to the Standardized Competencies Assessment Tests




This paper is part of a wider research, which focuses on education competencies assessment (I+D Research Project, ref. SEJ-2007-66967), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education. What we show in this paper are data from one of the case studies we carry out as part of this project. We have developed a "collaborative research" to understand and analyze the educational processes taking place in the "learnings of second order" ("learning how to learn"). In this sense, we've performed a didactic experimentation with portfolios of student in a 5th grade classroom; the conclusions presented are the result of this particular study. As a final, we conclude that portfolios of student can be an interesting strategy for educational evaluation; as well as it can become an "alternative strategy" to the standardized competency assessment tests, which predominate in the current educational landscape.


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Author Biographies

Monsalud Gallardo Gil, University of Málaga

Doctor of Pedagogy from the University of Malaga and professor in the Department of Curriculum and School Organisation university. It belongs to the Research Group HUM-311, "Assessment and Innovation in Andalusia", led by Professor Angel I. Pérez Gómez. His research interests include ICT; rural school; innovation and educational evaluation and teacher training.

J. Eduardo Sierra Nieto, University of Málaga

Doctor of Pedagogy from the University of Malaga. After three years working as a teacher with children in social protection, he joined the Department of Curriculum and School Organisation as a PhD researcher in (2009-2013) training. During that time he has been working in different research within the group to which (Innovation and educational assessment in Andalusia) belongs, related educational learning assessment, the phenomenological experience of the school and the teaching of sexual difference. He has also held teaching assignments related to program design, and has been a visiting researcher at national universities (Almeria) and foreign (Verona, Italy).


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How to Cite

Gallardo Gil, M., Sierra Nieto, J. E., & Domínguez Ramos, A. (2015). The Students Portfolio as an Alternative Strategy to the Standardized Competencies Assessment Tests. Qualitative Research in Education, 4(1), 71–101.


