Ways of Masculinity in Online Dating Profiles: the Cases of Meetic.es and AdoptaUnTio.es






The analysis of masculinity has been a topic of growing interest in recent decades. Its study has incorporated a wide and diverse range of research areas and themes, including the representation of gender relations and identities on the Internet. Specifically, this article concerns the research area related to online dating websites and aims to compare the principal current tendencies related to identity -as provided by research on masculinity- with the way that men present themselves on two Spanish dating websites: Meetic.es and AdoptaUnTio.es. These types of virtual spaces have specific characteristics that facilitate the analysis of the masculine ideal among their users; or at least the characteristics that these men consider attractive to women. This research was carried out through a qualitative analysis supported by Atlas-ti. The principal results highlight the presence of traces of the so called egalitarian masculinity within predominant forms of traditional masculinity, characterized by a minimal process of reflection and introspection on the part of users of these websites. 


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Author Biographies

Eva Espinar-Ruiz, University of Alicante

Profesora Titular de Universidad en el Departamento de Sociología II
Secretaria del Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Social y Paz (IUDESP)

Ismael Ocampo, University of Alicante

Grado en Sociología (Universidad de Alicante).
Máster en Dinámicas de cambio en las sociedades modernas avanzadas (Universidad Pública de Navarra)


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How to Cite

Espinar-Ruiz, E., & Ocampo, I. (2017). Ways of Masculinity in Online Dating Profiles: the Cases of Meetic.es and AdoptaUnTio.es. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 6(3), 196–216. https://doi.org/10.17583/mcs.2017.2709


